Polypharmacological in silico screening platform for the next generation drugs

Publications list


M. Wołczyk , M. Proszewska , Ł. Maziarka , M. Zięba , P. Wielopolski , R. Kurczab , and M. Śmieja
PluGeN: Multi-Label Conditional Generation From Pre-Trained Models
Arxiv, 2021
URL, RIS, BibTex
D. Warszycki , Ł. Struski , M. Śmieja , R. Kafel , and R. Kurczab
Pharmacoprint: A Combination of a Pharmacophore Fingerprint and Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Computer-Aided Drug Design
Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling, 61, 5054-5065, 2021
URL, DOI , RIS, BibTex
S. Mordalski , A. Wojtuch , I. Podolak , R. Kurczab , and A. J. Bojarski
2D SIFt: a matrix of ligand-receptor interactions
Journal of Cheminformatics, 13, 66, 2021
fingerprints ligand-receptor interactions structural interaction fingerprints
URL, DOI , RIS, BibTex


M. Wołczyk , J. Tabor , M. Śmieja , and S. Maszke
Biologically-Inspired Spatial Neural Networks
arXiv, 2019
URL, RIS, BibTex
S. Podlewska and R. Kurczab
Polypharmacology – a challenge for current drug design approaches
Science, Technology and Innovation, 6, 19-23, 2019
URL, DOI , RIS, BibTex